General Archives
- 1927-32 Experimental College Handbook
The experimental College Handbook.
- Doc Meiklejohn’s Experimental College
A 65 Year Retrospective on the Roots of ILS.
- Fall 2017 Course Guide
What: Integrated Liberal Studies is a certificate program offering interdisciplinary courses designed to meet your humanities, social, and natural science breadth requirements. We provide a cohesive curriculum with a core group of students so you can fulfill your general education requirements while creating a sense of community.
Where: Meiklejohn House on Charter and Johnson. Not only do we offer discussion sections and seminars in our living room, it’s a great place to hang out, study in the reading room upstairs, and hold study groups.
How: The certificate requires 18 total credits of ILS classes including 1 course above a 230 level and the capstone. Your freshman year FIG counts towards 6 ILS credits.
- Professor Joe Elder: A book of Memories.
Joe Elder over the years.
- Olson Letter to ILS Alums
An ILS Pioneer reflects on the first ILS class and today’s challenges.
- Professor Pooley’s Group Picture
A Photo of the Man who the scholarship came from.
- Hinden remarks at 2002 Convocation
Ten Years Later: Reflections on the Founding of the International Learning
(Remarks Prepared for the Opening Convocation of the ILC, Sept. 12, 2002) - History of ILS Chairs
A timeline of who has Chaired the department over the years. Does not include Richard Avramenko, 2016-Present.
- Integrated Studies: Challenges to the College Curriculum (Hinden, 1982)
An Article written by Mike Hinden about Integrated Studies
Gretchen Schoff Recollections
- Book of Hours
Poetry by Gretchen Schoff
- A Memorial Tribute to Gretchen Schoff
The program from the Memorial tribute to Professor Schoff in 1994.
- Collected Wisdom
A collection of Gretchen Schoff's writings, usually kept in the ILS reading room.
- Where The Blue Bird Sings
An article by Gretchen Schoff reflecting on Wallace Stegner and the legacy he left behind.
- Teacher Transcript
An informal Address given to a group of teachers by Gretchen Schoff. Professor Schoff never intended for this to be published.
- Two essays on a Sense of Place
Two essays, one by Gretchen Schoff and the other by Yi-Fu Tuan, adapted from lectures given in September of 1988.
- Professor Schoff’s Poems
A collection of poems by Gretchen Schoff, put together in 1994.
Charlie Anderson
- Charlie Anderson’s ILS 205 Syllabus
A course Syllabus from 1988.
- Booth Fowler on Charlie Anderson
Booth Fowler remembers Charlie Anderson and his contributions to ILS.
- Charlie Anderson’s ILS 206 Syllabus
A course syllabus from 1988.
- Charlie W. Anderson, A Tribute
Kathi Sell Recalls Charlie Anderson and his impact as a Liberal Educator.