
William Aylward

Position title: Professor of Classics, Herbert and Evelyn Howe Bascom Professor of Integrated Liberal Studies. E-mail: aylward (at) wisc.edu

Beatriz Botero

Position title: Lecturer of Integrated Liberal Studies

Email: blbotero@wisc.edu

Karen Britland

Position title: ILS Chair / Halls-Bascom Professor of English

Email: britland@wisc.edu

Chad Goldberg

Position title: Martindale-Bascom Professor of Sociology

Email: cagoldberg@wisc.edu

Julia Horn

Position title: Assistant Professor of Classical and Integrated Liberal Studies

Email: jghorn@wisc.edu

Florence C. Hsia

Position title: Professor of History of Science, David Hall and Margie Devereaux Professor of History, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in Arts & Humanities, OVCRGE, Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Graduate School

Email: fchsia@wisc.edu

Daniel Kapust

Position title: Honors Program Director, Professor of Political Science, Judith Hicks Stiehm Chair in Political Theory

Email: djkapust@wisc.edu

Devin Kennedy

Position title: Assistant Professor of History

Email: dbkennedy@wisc.edu

Cecelia Klingele

Credentials: Professor of Law

Email: cecelia.klingele@wisc.edu

Yang Li

Position title: Anna Julia Cooper Postdoctoral Fellow (2024-25)

Email: yli2829@wisc.edu

Timothy Lindstrom

Position title: Lecturer, ILS 255 / Student Intern Program Manager Office of Sustainability

Email: timothy.lindstrom@wisc.edu

Christopher Livanos

Position title: Professor, College of Letters and Sciences

Email: clivanos@wisc.edu

Laura McClure

Position title: Professor of Classics, Mellon Morgridge Professor in the Humanities

Email: lmcclure@wisc.edu

Grant Nelsestuen

Position title: Associate Dean for Arts and Humanities, College of Letters & Science Professor of Classics, Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (CANES); Integrated Liberal Studies (ILS)

Email: nelsestuen@wisc.edu

Adam Nelson

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Educational Policy Studies and History

Email: adam.nelson@wisc.edu

Kristin Phillips-Court

Position title: Associate Professor of Italian

Email: phillipscour@wisc.edu

Lucas Richert

Position title: Professor in the History of Pharmacy

Email: lucas.richert@wisc.edu

Ulrich Rosenhagen

Position title: Teaching Faculty of History, Director of Center for Religion and Global Citizenry

Email: rosenhagen@wisc.edu

Michelle Schwarze

Position title: Associate Professor of Political Theory

Email: mschwarze@wisc.edu

Basil Tikoff

Position title: Professor of Structural Geology and Tectonics

Email: basil@geology.wisc.edu